Business Info

    Must be exactly 9 digits

    Street Address

    Address Line 2



    Postal / Zip Code

    Currently we only work with businesses that have average monthly revenue of $10,000 or more

    Please enter a requested amount between $10,000 - $250,000

    Do you currently have any other loans or cash advances? *

    Business Owner 1

    1 - 100%


    Street Address

    Address Line 2



    Postal / Zip Code

    Business Owner 2

    Any individual who has a 25% or greater ownership interest in the business

    1 - 100%


    Street Address

    Address Line 2



    Postal / Zip Code


    Minimum 3 most recent months of business checking bank statements. .pdf or image files only. Note: we don't accept personal bank statements.

    By signing below, each undersigned individual(s) who is either a principal of the credit applicant listed below or a guarantor of its obligations, provides written instruction to Fintegra LLC or its designee (and any nominee or potential assignee thereof) authorizing review of his/her personal credit profile from a national credit bureau. Such authorization shall extend to obtaining a credit profile in considering the application of the credit applicant and subsequently for the purposes of update, renewal or the extension of such credit and for reviewing and collecting the resulting account, now and from time to time, as may be needed in the credit evaluation and review process and waives any right or claim they would otherwise have under Fair Credit Reporting Act in the absence of this continuing consent. A photocopy or facsimile of this authorization shall be valid as the original. In addition to authorizing review of my/our credit profile from any national credit bureau, the undersigned also authorizes my/our financial institutions and creditors to release credit information required by Fintegra LLC or its designee (and any assignee or potential assignee thereof). By signing below, I/we affirm our identity as the respective individuals identified in the related application. The undersigned states that all of the statements and information in the application provided are true and complete.